救援 To the Rescue
(水上都市デアドラ・市街 昼)
City Streets (Derdriu, the Aquatic Capital) | Daytime
同盟兵: デアドラの市民、海上への避難、完了しました!
Alliance Soldier: The citizens of Derdriu have all been evacuated and are now at sea!
Are you sure about this?
If Derdriu were to fall, those ships don't have enough resources for―
クロード: デアドラは落ちない。俺を信じろ。
Claude: Derdriu won't fall. Have some faith in me, will you?
同盟兵: ……はっ!
Alliance Soldier: Oh! Yes, sir!
同盟兵: 防衛線、突破されましたーッ!まもなく帝国軍が!
Alliance Soldier: Our line of defense has been broken! The Imperial army will be here any moment!
クロード: ああ、了解だ。お前たちも市街の軍に合流してくれ。
Claude: Understood. You two join up with the troops in the city.
同盟兵: ははっ!
Alliance Soldier: Yes, sir!
クロード: ……さて、ジュディット。用意はいいか?
Claude: Judith, are you ready?
ジュディット: 今できる準備に限れば、万全さ。市街戦なんて何年ぶりかねえ。
Judith: As ready as I'll ever be. It's been years since I last battled in the city streets.
クロード: 鈍った勘でやらかすんじゃないぞ。とにかく専守しろ。
Claude: Don't go messing up because your vision has weakened with age. Take the defensive for now.
ジュディット: はいはい、了解だ。……しかし、坊やも頑張るねえ。
Judith: Yeah, yeah, I get it. You hang in there, too, boy.
Your wounds from Gronder Field haven't fully healed yet, have they?
クロード: だからって寝てるわけにはいかないさ。寝てたら逃げ出すこともできん。
Claude: No, but it's not like I can sit this one out. I have to make my daring escape, after all.
And for the last time, stop calling me "boy"! That's an official order from the leader of the Alliance.
ジュディット: わかりましたよ、盟主殿。それで、「頼みの綱」は来るんだろうね。
Judith: Understood, Leader Man. I wonder if our little ray of hope will show up...
We fought on opposite sides at Gronder, didn't we?
クロード: 来るさ。賭けてもいいぜ?
Claude: They'll come. You can count on it.
If anyone can bring him back, it's Teach. Teach will talk, and he'll listen.
But more than anything, I've their skill and abilities... I believe in them.
同盟兵: クロード様! 西方より援兵が!あの軍旗は、王国の……
Alliance Soldier: Claude! Reinforcements are coming from the west! Their banner is that of the Kingdom...
クロード: そうら来た。どうにか間に合ったな。
Claude: What did I tell you? They're here. And just in time.
Outside the Gates (Derdriu, the Aquatic Capital)
ギルベルト: すでに帝国軍はデアドラ市街へと進軍し、同盟軍と交戦している模様です。
Gilbert: It appears the Imperial army has already marched into Derdriu and engaged the Alliance.
It seems the Imperial advance has been stalled by guerrilla skirmishes. The Alliance forces are holding out, but they won't last much longer...
イングリット: クロードたちと連合して戦っているのは、ダフネル家のジュディット様でしょうか。
Ingrid: That must be Judith of House Daphnel who joined up with Claude's troops.
To think Judith, a true hero, would find herself backed into a corner like this...
ディミトリ: ……いや。市街奥まで敵を引き込んだのは、俺たちに敵の後背を衝かせるためだろう。
Dimitri: It is not so. The Alliance has only drawn the enemy so deeply into the city to allow us to attack them from behind. Brilliant.
Byleth: 挟撃させるつもりなのだろうか They're planning a pincer attack?
ディミトリ: ……ああ、恐らくはな。
Dimitri: I believe so.
He put his soldiers into position purely on the belief that we'd come... I can't believe Claude would risk everything on that behalf.
He has placed all of his hopes on us. Let's make sure we live up to his expectations, Professor.
ディミトリ: ……よし、進軍するぞ。
Dimitri: Here we go. Let's move!